
How long will it take for my blackeye to heal (pics)?

by  |  earlier

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i got into a fight with this guy and my boyfriend is coming into town tomorrow, if he sees my face he will kill the guy no problem, i don't think its too bad but i have no make up and i cant wear glasses for weeks, does anyone know how i can heal it quick? it happened last night and ive been putting ice on it on and off




  1. i don't think you can make a black eye heal faster because it's basically just a big bruise, and there isn't a way of getting the blood out from under your skin. the best thing you can do is cover it up with makeup as good as you can and make sure your boyfriend doesn't kill the person responsible.

  2. There is no quick way to heal the black eye. Just keep doing what you are doing....its going to take about a week to heal. The "black" of they eye is the broken blood vessels under the skin. And i hope the guy that did this to you is a praying man....cause your boyfriend is more than likely gonna get him and he should!  

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