
How long will it take for my new female terrier and male Schnauzer to get used to each other?

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My Cairn terrier is snarling at my Schnauzer when he comes near. I know this is normal as I've only had her for a few days but I'm worried that they'll never get on. . Do most dogs adjust to each other in the end?

The Schnauzer is still only 11 months and the vet said that the Cairn is probably 5 or 6 (she was a rescue dog). They've both recently been neutered, which should hopefully calm them down a bit (no evidence of that yet though)




  1. Your cairn is probably just feeling a bit unsure of herself at the moment and is warning  your male to keep his distance. If he backs off when she growls, that's natural and I would say that eventually they will become the best of pals. Yes, most dogs adjust to each other in the end and especially ones of opposite s*x. Be patient................jojo

  2. depends on their personalities. maybe they'll grow to like each other, or maybe they never will.

  3. how did you introduce them? you shoudl ahev the new one in a crate and ur dog around the house to let them get used to each other then introduce on leads etc  

  4. Give it some time. it can take up to a couple weeks.

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