
How long will it take for my poodle to get pregnant after her first liter?

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How long will it take for my poodle to get pregnant after her first liter?




  1. A dog should not be bred more than once a year. Dogs have two heat periods a year so they can have two litters but that is irresponsible dog ownership making your dog have two litters a years. So you should wait a year or two before breeding her again.

  2. Not all dogs have 2 seasons per year it truly depends on the genetics in the lines your ***** come from. I have had many b*****s that only went into season once a year.

    But to advise you from a breeders point of view I would tell you that it is never a good idea to have litters back to back. Give your girl a chance to recover from the previous one which could take up to a year.

    Ask a woman that has had a child would you get pregnant as soon as you could after conceiving , chance are a great deal of them would say it was so much of a strain that they would rather wait rather than going through it right away.

    Good luck and God bless

  3. Nothing like cranking out those pups like livestock just to make a few bucks.

    No dog should be bred more than once a year, and only for a couple of years.

    How sad that you can't wait to put this poor little dog through more breeding - what a sorry situation for the dog who loves and trusts you.

    It's a companion animal, not a cow.

  4. or be even wiser and don't breed her again. It shortens her life.

  5. now that sounds like a up and coming puppy mill breeder or just a plain ole BYB . Please just get her spayed

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