
How long will it take for one initial 5mg dose of lexapro to get out of my system??

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I have this disoriented disconnected unreality feeling. I took one 5mg dose about four days ago. Will the feeling ever go away? How long until it's completely out of my system??




  1. It's already out of your system. The half-life is about a day, which means about 5% may still left in your body, though probably less due to metabolism.

    If you only took one dose, there should be no long-lasting effects, because the levels of the drug in the brain would be nonexistent. That's why it normally takes weeks to build up to those levels.

  2. That's one of the side-effects of Lexapro, but as everyone else has said, it's out of your system by now.  I take Lexapro, and had some side-effects for about 2 weeks, mostly the "I don't give a c**p about anything" and some nausea.  After that, I was fine... better than fine, I felt better than I had in years!  It drastically improved my depression (I was to the point of contemplating suicide beforehand).  I had been put on many other SSRI's prior to this one, none of which worked.  It's just a matter of which one works best for you.  My reccommendation?  Try it for a few weeks.  If you still don't like the side-effects, go back to your doc & request something else!  Good luck!

  3. I seriously doubt it's the medication that's making you feel that way (the pharmacist told you right).

    The more likely explanation is the depression for which you were prescribed the Lexapro in the first place.

    Go back to your doctor!!!

  4. Not enough information.  Was this a prescribed medication or did you only take one pill?   Physicians recommend weaning off of any SSRI as opposed to quiting "cold turkey".  Most effects are gone within a few weeks.  SSRI's should never be taken recreationally.

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