
How long will it take for the citizens of the U,S,A. to take their government back?

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How long will it take for the citizens of the U,S,A. to take their government back?




  1. It will take a while, but people are finally starting to wake up.

  2. First they have to wake up and move away from the TV . Hopefully it will not be to late to act by then .

  3. 7 months

  4. i've got some guns... ready when you are... no seriously i'm down

  5. 3 hours 45 minutes...Once they get started I mean.

  6. Good luck with that one. Unless there is an armed uprising it's never going to happen. Do you think for one minute that the rich and powerfull of the US of A are going to give up their grip on the Government without one H E L L of a fight. Get a grip on reality. The average citizen is just along for the ride. And that is only at the leisure of the ruling class.

    I wouldn't put it past them to use nukes on their own people. They've already had a practice run out of Minot AFB. With all the safe guards in place they were still able to fly 6 armed nukes half way across the USA undetected. The experts said that could never happen. What else are they wrong about?

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