
How long will it take for wind turbines to take over and provide the energy to power our country?

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Wind turbines that are strategically placed around the would harvest wind energy 24/7 with out using a drop of oil except say for the occasional maintenance crew that has to drive up to the turbine.

Which candidate will push us further and harder in to the new age where we don't depend so much on foreign oil.




  1. It'll probably never happen.

    For it to happen you'll need massive improvements in energy storage technology that we can't guarantee will be developed to be able to get more than 20% or so (and without it even 20% is a bit of a problem).

    Wind power still requires fossil fuel backup for when the wind isn't blowing thus making it not a solution without good large scale energy storage (and don't try any c**p about solar, still nights happen).

    If you want to solve global you build nuclear power plants, it's really as simple as that.

    Also it must be noted that wind turbines don't need occasional maintenance, they need constant maintenance (which is actually quite dangerous, quite a few people have died doing it and given the pitiful power output of a wind turbine it is probably not that much safer than natural gas (which will be backing it up anyway)).

  2. Sorry but the h-axis turbines that our gvt and private companies are building everywhere may produce some energy, but this form of turbine will not provide enough for our demands.  There are tidal generators (use the ocean tides) that can produce much more and cost much less and don't impact the environment nearly as much, however, if you don't see them, then you don't think the gvt is doing anything.  Also, it is a case of "first foot in the door" with these generators. H-Axis have to shut down at specific speeds and don't capture nearly enough of the wind energy to make them truly efficient.

  3. McCain probably will, but it will be easier for Obama.

    however, keep in mind, there are times when the wind is not blowing.

    the pics are of the altamont pass in calif.

    if i recall correctly, there are something like 3000+ turbines there.

    however, there are times when there just is not enough wind to turn them.

  4. From what I've seen Democrats seem to be pushing harder for clean energy than the Republicans have. From what I've seen on the 2 candidates, O'Bama seems to be going in the direction I want to see the country go.

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