
How long will it take man to reach neptune is it possiable?

by  |  earlier

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  1. yes it is possible... i believe the time it will take to reach pluto is 9 years.... so i say neptune is probably.. like 8 years..

  2. 1.) Neptune is a gas giant. That neams that the entire planet is one big ball of gas - nothing solid to walk or stand on. Therefore, there is no real attraction which might make one

    want to go and visit the planet.

    2. Man has already dispatched probes to the areas around Saturn, and Neptune. for thge time being, I suspect that this will suffice to bring back any necessary information that space scientists want or need. No landings are possible on Gas Giants.

  3. Yes, it is possible - it's a valid question. Naturally, we'll orbit the planet, land on its moons. How long 'till we get there, or how long is does the trip take? I think you mean the first. I dunno! A guess? Oh, despite the snails pace of human space exploration today, by which I mean travel to new places, I'll go out on a limb and guess 50 years. And that guess is worth about what you paid for it!   :-)

  4. i dont think its possible

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