
How long will it take me to feel better?

by  |  earlier

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i was diagnosed with anemia due to low iron levels. i suspect i may have been anemic for over 6months because i have had the symptoms for that amount of time. the doctor prescribed me repliva 21/7 iron supplements she made the prescription for 4months do i have to take it that long? and how long will it take to regain energy and feel better? my anemia was caused by heavy flow during periods which im now on birth control for so do i have to continue taking the iron supplement for months on in or should i be okay without it?




  1. hi there. i was exactly the same. i have been on the iron for 2 months now. omg i feel for u. when i walked up the stairs i had a rest after it. i have 4 kids so it was hard. anyway, take the iron and in about 3 weeks u  should feel a lot better. i dont know that iron ur on, im using ferrous fumarate. when u take the iron, take it after something to eat. and dont drink tea an hour b4 or after. drink orange juice too it helps absorb the iron. eat foods that have iron in them too. take care, and u will feel better soon.

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