
How long will it take paper mache to dry? I need it dried and painted before Saturday.?

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I covered a chickenwire frame for a volcano in paper mache and am just wondering how long it will take to dry completely so I can paint it. Also, how many layers of paper should I put on it?




  1. Paper mache doesn't take long to dry, you can let it dry overnight and it should do the trick , if it doesn't dry after that and you really are in a hurry to paint it you can blow dry it.  I think 2-3 layers work. I've never made a volcano, but i've done other paper mache projects and I normally do 3 layers because i'm a perfectionist lol

  2. Yes, It should probably dry in about 1 or 1 1/2 days so you don't need to worry. I'm not sure how many layers though, sorry.


  3. I've made volcanos from papier mache too (I did mine over balloons, standing in cups), and think they may have taken a day or two to dry thoroughly (think I used two layers?? or strips), but the balloons can delay drying a bit (they can also stick to the underside when they shrink, so I pulled some of them away before the papier mache was completely dry).

    You can speed up the drying though by putting the items in a warm and/or drafty place (avoid cold and damp).  So for the quickest drying, put them in a low oven temp, or in front of a fan, for example.

    P.S.  If you haven't made them already, instead of strips of newspaper you can use the blue "shop towels" that come on a roll found in automotive departments (Walmart, etc.) and automotive stores, along with your thinned white glue, or wallpaper paste, or flour and water.  The "towel" segments are thicker than newspaper so fewer layers are necessary for a strong result, and they're also very drapable so they're quicker because you won't have to use lots of strips to go around curved areas, etc.

    Diane B.

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