
How long will it take pony to settle in?

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We bought a really lovely pony for our two daughters but since moving it to a new yard it is really unsettled how long till we get it settled in properly and what can we do to help




  1. Depending on the pony's temperment, it might take between a day to over a week for it to settle down. Is it all alone or does it have contact with other horses? Horses are naturally herd animals and tend to do better with companionship. If you have it alone in a pasture, you might think about getting it a companion animal like another horse (or a goat). Make sure that while he's settling in, you keep on a steady routine with it, feed it at a regular time everyday, you can also take it out and spend time with it everyday, so while it settles in it also develops a bond with you and the girls and it learns to bond with you guys.

  2. From a few days to a week or if new things happen on the yard every day then mybe a bit more but whens shes running around or that go over and speak and clam her down-put her in woth company or beside and keep her away from loud things like tractors or that

  3. Depends on the horse, we got 3 new horses at the same time, 5 months ago, at my stables. 1 took like 3 weeks to settled in and is fine now, 1 still hasn't settled in and is real flighty, 1 was settled in the next day and is totally awesome.

    We move the horses around in yards all the time and they never really have any problems with it.

    Just reassure them and make it feel comfortable and just be patient.

  4. Speak softly to the pony, use the name it's been called by.

    Your TIME will be the most comfort. The girls voices,

    Just even sittting in the stall if it's safe for all involved.

    Don't look at the pony directly in the eyes, speak sweetly

    wait for (him/her) to come to you. Lower tones if contact is

    wanted--" Good, Good, ______" Do not be tempted to

    overdo treats. New Scents are everywhere-- and yours

    are too in a new place. Pine bedding will encourage

    resting at night, when the hustle settles.

    Your calm and the girls cooing is essential. If possible,

    a halter walk around the hose bibs, just a few stable mates

    etc. may introduce the new 'scary' stuff- slowly when it's least busy. My thinking is 4 days to a week... if you spend the max. time you can afford. Use a special small bucket for treats to start- in case a grab at fingers is possible. Your safety is

    included in the pony's best intrests too. Best of wishes

    from my seasoned 16 yr old pony, Mahogany Moon.

  5. I know this sounds extreme but it can take a long time for a horse to settle in a new environment. The best thing you can do is to develop a routine and stick to it, all animals like routine, and spend undemanding time with the pony, not asking him to do anything but just hanging out with him. Don't touch him unless he touches you, just sit with him, he will get curious and check you out. Also look for his ears coming forward and looking at you with both eyes this is him giving permission for you to approach

  6. I'd give it a week. It's going to depend on a lot of things such as how long it lived at its last home, how herd bound is it [lonely for its old pals] and how fond it is of people. If the pony will let you, grooming is a good way to start bonding and help calm the nerves. Quiet voices, calm assertiveness around the pony. With good luck, it may be a day or two.

  7. it could take a long time to get a horse or pony settled into a new place. it could take anywhere from a week to a couple monthes. for my horse it took about a month and a half before she was completely comfortable with her new surroundings. hope this helps!

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