I am almost to my first year aniversarry of my divorce.We were married 13 years.I filed,felt guilty but I tried everything.Couseling,changing and everything I possibly could to make it work.When I finally gave up I made it a point to talk to my children one on one.You know things are bad when your 13 year old daughter thanks you and replies I am glad the strees is over and you will finally be happy.It was not a messy divorce.It was uncontested and I offered to pay $300.00 more a month than what was required.I wanted to make certain my wife and kids would be fine.My ex constantly feels sorry for herself and now has my teen age daughter feeling sorry for her.When my daughter tries to get in the middle I tell her to let the adults deal with this and work things out.I let her know that she needs to enjoy being a kid and to focus on her friends and school.I do not share any of the stresses with my children.My ex wife constantly tells our kids how bad she has it,how poor they are and how I hurt her.My daughter is starting to hold things against me but I will not allow her to be put in the middle and work hard for us to have good quality time together.My daughter does'nt know my ex makes a ton of money between work and what I pay.My daughter does'nt know her mom brings home twice as much as I.I dont want her to get involved and I will not say anything negative about her momma or tell her the truth aabout the situation.Her mom does not manage her finances well at all.Have you been through this and how long until my daughter will start realizing herself how things really are?It is tearing me up inside that my daughter doesnt know the whole truth.