
How long will it take the obama campaign and his supporters to call Sarah Palin and her husband a racist? ?

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How long will it take the obama campaign and his supporters to call Sarah Palin and her husband a racist? ?




  1. How could she be racist?  She's never even met a black person.

  2. I'm sure he will as soon as somebody writes it down on an index card to be read to the press.

  3. I promise you they never will. And I can guarantee you that people like Sean Hannity will try their best to find a way to insinuate that they did anyways.

  4. They will fault her because her snow is not black.

  5. I only see republicans throwing around the racist card lately.  Have fun with that.

  6. She is racist, because snow is white in Alaska and he is a snowmobiler. They also live in igloos, only racist whites live in igloos.

  7. So far they've managed to throw everything else into the stew, so I'm guessing they'll figure out a way to do that next.  Amazing, isn't it?  Actually it's not.  Desperation and the smell of defeat does strange things to people.

  8. How dare they have 5 kids and are not on welfare,

    Must be racist,

  9. They are surely already at work on this. I'm only surprised that the far-left media hasn't done so already. They've called her evertything else.

  10. Aren't they Muslim?

  11. Obama and 'his supporters'?  If some dude on Yahoo! Answers goes a bit over the top that would then make it Obama's faut?  Trust me, you aren't gonna hear Obama calling Sarah Palin racist unless she says something that is undeniably racist.  Your question is a fantasy.

  12. you mean they havent yet? wow he is getting slow. Must be tired from his big speech that was the same as every other Lib candidates speech since i have been watching during the 80's.

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