
How long will it take to establish nation-wide filling stations...?

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for hydrogen-cell fueled vehicles?

& are you like me in wishing it can't happen soon enough so we can stick it to the oil companies & the opec nations which have been gauging us for years?




  1. The studies I've read say it would take 50 to 100 years and cost trillions of dollars but only after they've figured out how to do it - viz., how to deal with the volatility and the high pressures involved, etc.

  2. The Bush Administration has been working with Shell and other energy companies to make this a reality.  There are already filling stations around the nation in major cities and there are fleets of H-powered cargo haulers, including an H-powered E-450 by Ford.

    I am convinced that this huge Democrat push for corn-ethanol (one of the most environmentally destructive 'alternative' fuels) and the whole warming scare is an effort to distract Americans from the real progress Bush has made in standardizing Hydrogen infrastructure.  They need to prevent Americans from thinking of a Republican President as the guy who pushed this nation into the real oil-independence.  

    Bush has also pushed massive development of geothermal wells to generate electricity to generate the hydrogen.  Geothermal is carbon-free and won't run out for millions of years.  Yet, the media are completely silent about this.

    When I saw Hillary saying, "We need to get this nation started on a path to a clean energy future," I knew the media and other talking heads would bury any stories about the tremendous progress already made by Bush.  Otherwise, she would look like an idiot and they work hard to help her image.

  3. Then the Earth would get really hot from increase water vapor in the air.

    I think they really need to study hydrogen too.

    It seems everything we humans do,has a negative effect.

  4. is it really "sticking" it to the oil companies when the oil companies are going to be the ones supplying us with hydrogen?

    they'll find a way to gouge us again

    i dont really like hydrogen it seems dangerous and very hard/expensive to store and transport

    i think the way to go is to furthermore develop electric cars making them more efficient: longer range, shorter charging times, less expensive, cheaper. we can have the electric companies power things with nuclear energy, solar, wind, etc...(most likely a combination of the above) heck even powering off the traditional burning of coal at least we aren't funding countries overseas

    but back to your question. considering the oil companies are the ones supplying the hydrogen they probably wont introduce it untill they are just about tapped out of the profit from oil(run out of oil)

  5. A long, long time.

    California plans to have about 50 hydrogen refueling stations by 2010.

    No, I'm not like you wishing it would happen sooner.  We wouldn't be sticking it to anyone.  Guess where you're going to go for the hydrogen?  A Shell or Exxon station.  They'll be pumping something.

  6. I don't think it will ever be practical, only the very wealthy could afford it. check out this link. we should reduce speed limits 1/3rd. this would reduce fuel use & make alternate transportation (bikes, buses) more attractive.

  7. They are already there.  Exxon and Shell and BP already have the distributions channel in place.  This is why they are calling themselves energy corporations, not oil corporations.

    Exxon will make 10 times the money they are now if the gvmt forces us to go to hydrogen.

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