
How long will it take to get a drivers licence, need it asap. Had one in NZ many yrs ago. I'm a male over 30.?

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How long will it take to get a drivers licence, need it asap. Had one in NZ many yrs ago. I'm a male over 30.?




  1.   Go to the local motor vehicle department with your birth certificate or passport and any other identification you have.  Ask for a rule booklet.  Study the booklet and make sure you know all the rules.  This could take anywhere from a few minutes to a few days depending on how knowledgeable you are.  Take the written test and the eye and hearing test.  Some places will let you take the driving portion of the test right away.  Some places will have you make an appointment.  Take the driving part of the test.  If you pass, you get your driver's license.  Some places give you a temporary paper license and mail the real one to you.  Some places give you the real license in a few minutes.

      Good luck.

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