
How long will it take to get pregnant after being on the depo provera injection for 6 months?

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I just had my 2nd depo provera injection and me and boyfriend have decided that i won't have the next one as we want to start a family. This means i would have been on it for 6 months, how long will it take to get pregnant after being on it for 6 months?




  1. Everyone is different. When I stopped the shot after the three months that the shot was effective I got pregnant 2 months after that. I did have to go on the pill for a month to regulate my period though because when the shot wore off i got my period non stop for weeks. Also keep in mind though there's a lot of people that take longer than that and I was fairly young, 20 at the time, so that could have had something to do with it as well.

  2. It all depends some women after getting off that shot have a hard time getting there body back to normal and have a hard time  getting pregnant. Other women dont have a problem at all. So no one can tell you. You just need to wait until ur body gets back on track an u start haven a period once a month again.

  3. It is completely different for each woman.  There are many women who get pregnant the month that they stop the BC but there are also many women who don't even have a period for several months after stopping.  I did the depo shots for 6 months (2 injections) and I resumed periods right away.  I have VERY irregular periods though and we are TTC right now.  Good Luck.

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