
How long will it take to sail to Panama and then to Costa Rica?

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Sailing from Miami to Panama first, then to Costa Rica - what would you estimate the number of days to be on a 35' sailboat? Does anyone have a suggested 'Best Route'?




  1. I would say it would take 7 to 10 days, the carribean side being a shorter distance.

    Costa Rica is closer to the USA so it wuld make more sense to stop in Costa Rica first, then visit Panama which would be about a day or two further south.

    Lic.Gregory Kearney Lawson.

  2. I hope you are not going now, as the height of hurricane season is approaching... and the trade winds are subsiding.

    There is some rough water in the Caribbean this time of year.... so be careful. I would go through the western side of Cuba and on down to Panama... depending on where you plan on going, Panama and Costa Rica border each other, so you can go from one to the other in a day or 2. I assume you are staying on the Caribbean side, as it is expensive to go through the canal.

    You can do it in as little as 5-7 days I would think.

  3. This answer should come from those in the business around the Miami area.  It's unlikely you can find better advice on the Q & A website than those who have done it.  There's even folks around some of the major stateside marinas who will sail boats for you or with you to anywhere.  Get down there and talk with some of those reputable folks for the best answer.  My only good advice is plan around the weather carefully or have good primary and backup weather equipment aboard.

    I wouldn't mind signing on as a crewmember since I have this same thing in mind for myself next year.  If interested send email to

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