
How long will it take to turn this belly into a six pack?

by Guest45104  |  earlier

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  1. 17-18 ... years of hard work and Jesus oh yeah and a strict strict diet of bread crust and water.  The other way is to start with crunches. Do enough crunches until u can't do anymore.  A routine has to be started and followed consistently.  A healthy diet of LOW fat meats i.e. skinless chicken, lean meat, and good carbs such as lasagna, whole wheat breads and such, ..... yeah, and um lots of hard work, lots and lots of hard work.  You have to do cardio also to burn calories you need low body fat to actually be able to see abs. but yeah hard work and a razor blade to cut some of the hair, you also need a low body hair to be able to see your abs.  good luck  

  2. his stomach looks gross and greasy lol

  3. It looks like a wax belly. With hard work, maybe a year.

  4. awhile, i dont understand why kids think the can get a six pack befor summers over, ull have to drop all junk foods, drink water, and eat under 2200 calories a day, then u have to go to the gym, u kno the place with the funny looking machines, and probly get a trainer

    p.s. not being mean

    after looking back, NEVER ull probly wont be able to handle it with out junk food

  5. most likely 4-6 months if he sticks to the diet

    hope i hellpd :]

  6. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...

    thats disgusting

  7. thats nasty.... sweaty hairy and out there..

  8. 4-6 months. make sure he eats the right food and stays consistant

  9. judging by ur obesity and your obvious clear lack of hygeine, i would say around 43 years.

  10. Looks like he's had too many six packs and it's turned into a Keg.

  11. After you have the baby we can talk.

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