
How long will it take to walk 200 miles with some hitch hiking?

by  |  earlier

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i am planing an escape to leave my boarding school with a buddy because if we go home our parents will slit our throats because we might get kicked out so... some walking some sleeping in woods, mountainous terrain, we got a laptop and ipod to pawn and 30 bucks cash what do you think




  1. Sounds pretty dumb to me!

    Remember honesty is the best policy.

  2. Well, I can't say this is a particularly good idea... your parents might be upset with you for getting kicked out of school, but they'd probably be decidedly more upset with you for sneaking out of school and going off on a risky journey. If you do this, be aware you stand a good chance of ruining your lives forever.

    That being said, you can expect it would take from ten days to two weeks to just walk it, depending on what kind of shape you're in. If you can hitchhike for half of it, then you're still looking at five to seven days of travel.

    You might get a $200 or $300 by pawning your stuff, depending on how old it is. If it takes you two weeks to travel, that gives you at best around $20 a day for food for both of you put together. If you're eating fast food, that's barely enough for two meals a day. You could get more food if you buy groceries, but then you'd have to carry it.

    You also have to consider how you'll get by, and how much money you might have to spend, if one of you gets hurt. And you have to figure out what you'd do if you get robbed or kidnapped or worse.

    If you really want my advice... shape up and stay in school. The consequences to your life will be much worse if you try to "escape".

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