
How long will it takee?

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for leopard frog eggs to be layed?

i have 2 leopard frogs and i just found them mating. i think its actually the 2nd time. if the frog was to get eggs.. how long intil she lays them?

also.. how long will it take for them to hatch? i know i will get lots of anwers saying you should know this.. but when i bought them the petplace assured me that they were 2 females. well they were wrong!

and sorry about all the questinos but one more. whats the best place for them to be layed? in grass, in a group of plants, underground, on rocks? i have no idea what i should put in there.





  1. I believe you will find your answers on the web, Wikipedia has several pages on your leopard frogs.  WDFW -- Northern Leopard Frog Status Report

    Final Northern Leopard Frog Status Report. SEPA Checklist/Declaration. of Non-Significance ... The northern leopard frog is one of the most widely distributed ... - Cached I hope this helps..It has about the mating questions you asked about and what foilage they live in. I have to go to work so I didn't have time to break down all of your questions..Good luck and Have Fun

  2. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but all amphibians, frogs included, don't have s*x. The female lays the eggs and the male sits on her back and fertilizes them as they come out, just like most fish do. There is no actual intercourse, so what you may have seen was just one of them sitting on the other, not mating. So this also means that it is possible that the pet store was right and you have two females since no mating actually has taken place.

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