
How long will my boyfriend be in jail?

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My boyfriend was in jail for violating probation. He has some traffic violations, which include expired tags, and insurance. He has paid some money on his tickets but these past couple of months have been hard and we have been struggling to keep a roof over our heads(last month we have to ask for public assistance for rent).

He has been working a security job and the main location he works at is not near public transporation. In addition, this job is not even full time so he has to spend half of his check on gas, and the other part on rent and bills. I personally do not own a car. I know he hasn't had enough for insurance, and in effect his insurance expired and his license was probably suspended. In addition, he owes some money on tickets. When I spoke to someone at jail they told me that paying the remainder of what he owed to the probation officer would look favorable in court. However, the $650 he owe would have to come out of his check, and there is no way he can endorse the check to me cus he is in jail( I asked the jailer if I could obtain his signature and they told me no).

His court appearance is on Wednesday, what are the chances they will release him? I believe a person can plead family obligations, and my bf was just hired for a 40,000 a year job that he will lose if he stays in jail. In addition, if his jailtime is prolonged, I face eviction because we split the rent and bills. Will this plead work? Or will it be better if I found a way to pay the probation officer?




  1. I'm unsure on what you should do because the decision is in the court's hands. Not knowing the judge or other details I cannot help you there. As far as the check goes I do not see why they will not let him endorse his check. It may be that jail's policy but at the detention center where I previously worked inmates were allowed to endorse checks. You may try calling the jail and try speaking to the shift supervisor or even the warden, deputy warden, or a different supervisor. Sympathy runs very short in correction facilities but explaining your situation may help. Just keep in mind that a lot goes on inside these facilities so try to keep your conversations short; it keeps who you are talking to happy.

  2. If he's in jail for missing payments there's a good chance he'll be released if some sort of payment schedule is worked out with the court clerk. Any money you're able to pay before or on the court date will help his case.

    If your boyfriend is in jail because he violated some other condition like driving on a suspended license most likely he'll have to serve out the remaining time in jail.

    The worse thing you can do is skip payments. At one time I had to pay a pretty hefty fine for street racing. It was like 1500 dollars. I wasn't always able to make full payments but I always showed up every month and paid what I could, even if it was only 20 dollars. As long as you make a conceded effort they'll be satisfied.

  3. Not long enough I suspect.He,s obviously not learn ed anything yet and he thinks nothing about you or the law.Move on ,this man will spend the rest of his life in and out of jails blaming everyone else and you are already doing the same.


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