
How long will my braces hurt????

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i had my braces put on yesterday afternoon and there killing me.. ive been on aspirin almost the whole time but it still hurts a bit. when will the pain subside??? also it feels like one of the brackets rub up against my cheek and makes it all raw. how long will this last?




  1. They will hurt a few days after every dentist visit. Ask for dental wax at your dentists office. The wax will cover the rough edges of the braces, so will help prevent the cutting and irritation of your cheeks. Wax is a bit odd to have on because it makes your braces even larger under your lips.

    I have had braces twice for a total of 4.5 years. My best advice is to take aspirin before every dentist visit and continue it for a couple days after. Also, buy lots of soft foods like applesauce, soft french fries, soup, and such.

    Make sure to brush your teeth, floss, and go for regular teeth cleanings often. I thought I was doing really well in my dental care, but I still have spots on my teeth and weak enamel where didn't floss well enough or had trouble reaching places my braces blocked.

  2. ddi they give you wax to put on the rubby part?

    it goes away in a day or 4.

  3. Yep, like everyone said, it goes away within a few days to a week. There's wax for when the brackets rub against the insides of your lips and cheeks, and the sores go away and come back every now and then.

    The pain will go away until you get your bands changed or your braces tightened or altered in a certain way. Then, they'll hurt again for a few days or so until your teeth move where they need to.

    Hope I helped! :]

  4. same problem, the orthodonist has to move the wire cuz its rubbing against ur mouth, and the raw feeling on the side of ur mouth is a kingasoure(spelling)so instead of the advil i would get kingasoure medicane, and it shoud help/and if ur teeth hert its cuz ur teeth are moving, which is good:]

  5. I got braces on almost a year ago but i just got the bottom braces on a week ago and they made my mouth raw too. Don't worry your mouth gets used to it after a while just used the wax that they give you and you'll be ok. It hurts a lot less with asprin or advil too so keep taking that regularly.  

  6. three days?

    or maybe even a week.

    it wont go for long though (:

  7. put wax on them for a few days.  It should quit hurting in a day or two.

  8. It depends on the person. Mine hurt for about a week. Eating soft foods will help. Also, your orthodontist might've given you wax which you put on the bracket that's causing pain.

  9. i had braces a few yaars ago, and i was in pain like for the first three days or so.

    and about the rubing on your cheek, take a look at these

    i used to use them, and they like totally saved me. u can just place the wax on the braces, as long as it isnt seen when you smile haha

    please answer mine;...

  10. Bout a week or 2 and use wax where the braces are iritating the inside of your mouth

  11. After a few days the pain will ease up. The wax for the rubbing spot will help. Asprin will also help, altho I prefer Darvocets.

    Then, just when you think everything is okay, they will call you in to have the wires tightened and the pain will be back.

    Get used to this cycle.

    The up side: When all is said and done, the dust settles and they take off the braces, your smile will be drop-dead gorgeous!

  12. My braces didn't stop hurting for about a week or so.

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