
How long will my cat stay in heat for?

by Guest58257  |  earlier

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She's been in heat for almost 6 days now and its getting really annoying. I can't even have her lay by me without her sticking her butt in my face. Any help?




  1. Cats are either in heat, pregnant or spayed,  make an appointment asap.  They are not like dogs that have regular heat cycles.  

  2. well, I hate to tell you this BUT.... she will stay in heat until he gets with a male, it is crazy, But I know how you can fix it, take her to the vet and get her spayed, and it will all stop, if money is an issue then call PAWS, or your local animal shelter, they will help you with this,  


  4. An unspayed female will have two to three heat periods a year, each lasting three to six days. If no mating takes place the heat continues for ten days and sometimes as long as three weeks. If such a cat is not allowed contact with a male over a long period, hormonal disturbances may occur, resulting in permanent heat, false pregnancy, or uterine infection (pyometra).

    Hope that helps. =)

  5. Yeah,  a few people here are offering NO HELP whatsoever...


    I just had my two cats spayed (it ain't free so it took me a little bit to save up some money to have it done) They used to drive me nuts too.  When one wasn't in heat, the other one was.  The longest my cat was in heat was about 10 days.  And they can go into heat as often as every two weeks or so.  But for my oldest cat, she only came into season every few months.  My little one, was going into heat more regularly and she was WAY more annoying.  I felt bad for the poor things.  I did have them spayed last week and I took them to the Animal Rescue League, who did it for $75/per cat.  They did a super job and took excellent care of my babies.  They are recovering wonderfully.  My regular vet wanted $275/each for a spay.  RIDICULOUS!!!

  6. You should have got her fixed BEFORE she went into heat. Then you wouldn't have this problem. I don't understand why people wouldn't fix their cats! I have had like 7 cats in my life time and every cat has been fixed as early as possible so I have never had a cat go into heat.

  7. its best to have the poor kitty nutured or spayed! save you and the cat a whole world of trouble ;-)

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