
How long will my father be incarcerated?

by Guest62524  |  earlier

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My father got into a heated argument and picked up a knife and cut someone across the throat. The victim is ok but i'm wondering what will happen to my dad. I'm pretty sure he will be charge with assault with a deadly weapon.

He has a clean record. 38 years old and supports family. We live in PA. thank you for your help




  1. Hopefully a very long time.  If he snapped once like that, he could do so again and he needs to be somewhere that he cannot hurt innocent people just because they disagree with him.

  2. The charge would be either aggravated assault with a deadly weapon or attempted murder.

    Minimum of 20 years.

  3. he will probably go to jail for at least 10 years i think

  4. Actually, since you are in PA you have a few things in your favor.

    1.) He has no prior record, well you say. A criminal record is hardly something a father discusses with his son. But PA is really big on prior record. He is still young, but most crime occurs between 13 - 23, give or take a couple years.

    2.) It was an argument, if the man made threats that might help but I highly doubt it.

    3.) He has a family, more than likely a job and has to provide. Courts will pay attention to that.

    4.) The victim lived.

    Some things not in your favor.

    1.) People seldom just get in arguments and slice someone's throat. He more than likely has a criminal past, just never got caught or in trouble for it.

    2.) He slit someone's throat.

    3.) He. slit. someone's. throat.

    4.) He will more than likely be charged with more than just what you think, he did many things that he can more than likely be charged for, and the prosecution will ask for it. The judge can rule some out, or some can be dropped in exchange for pleas.

    He will not get in as much trouble as someone with a previous record but he is looking at trouble.

  5. Depends on what he was charged with...Could run from Assault with Deadly Weapon to Attempted Murder.

    If he's found guilty in trial, as opposed to a plea bargain, he could get the 'book' thrown at him and be gone for years.

    If the prosecutor offers a deal, his jail time will probably be less.

    Chances are he's going to prison unless he can either show it was justified or gives them a reason not to put him away.

  6. probably 5 worrying that he could snap like that with such violence...he is lucky the victim survived...i am sure he will sue for the injury too...i know i would.  good luck!

  7. Yea he will be charged with assault with a deadly weapon if lucky. He might get charged with attempted murder. I mean its pretty serious to cut someones throat. Anyway depending on the circumstances and everything he can face anyweher between 5-10 years  

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