
How long will my hair grow in a year?

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Hey :] First i just want to say thanks for taking the time to read this. Anyways, I'm Heather...Obviously. And I'm a 14 year old girl. I have brown hair that's semi know, not thick but not thin? I guess its in the middle. And i was wondering if you could help me as to how long it will grow in a year? And what are some ways to get it to grow faster naturally without any pills...? I guess I'm happy with the way it looks now but i plan to get it cut in a year...i guess i wont wast my time telling the whole story but the point is, i plan to get it cut in a year and i want to have longer hair so i have more hair styles to choose from :] I was thinking about extensions however, for some reason when i wear them i feel like I'm wearing some dead persons hair. Weird? yes. I know its not really a dead persons hair i guess what I'm trying to say is, extensions just make me feel weird...No offence to anyone that wears extensions. I'm sorry for such a long question...I'm really tired for some reason o.e well thanks again for reading this and answers and opinions would be much appreciated :D

OVERALL QUESTION: How long will my hair grow in a year and what are some ways i can get it to grow faster naturally, WITHOUT pills? Thanks so much for your help :P

Have a nice day :P or night...where ever you are :]





  1. The average human's hair grows about 1/2 inch a month. So, your hair should be about 6 inches, but you may get it trimmed a few time to avoid spilt ends. So I am guessing around 5 or six, but I actually heard of a way that I LOVE using to grow my hair! Of course, it's not like insta grow or anything, but it does grow more, supposedly.

    They say that listening to music through the little earbud headphones makes your hair grow more and faster. All I know is that I love music, and my hair grows really fast!

    Also, Herbal Essences "Long Term Relationship" shampoo and conditioner is amazing and it really works! It is in a red bottle, and you can get it in drugstores, wall-marts, targets, and more for 5$.

    And just be sure to take good care of your hair by shampooing and conditioning every few days, and using a clarifying shampoo every week or so to clean out the chemical build-up caused by grease, chlorine, and conditioner.

    Thank you, I hope that helped!

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