
How long will my herb's last???

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I have just planted a large terracotta pot with little hole's in it full of herbs, there is corriander, basil, parsley, thymme,and a greek scented thymme, it looks and smell's fantastic!

but how long will they last?

and would it make a diffrence if when the weather change's i bring them in and put them some where warm???

is there any thing i can do to make them last longer???




  1. Keep them watered. Basil needs a lot of water. You should never let the soil dry out. I have had my basil plant for years and it is still really healthy because I never stop watering it. If you are going to take them indoors in winter, don't keep them anywhere too warm or they will dry out and their leaves will wither. You could buy one of those plastic greenhouses and keep them outside in winter but off the ground and covered. That way they should avoid any frost.

  2. You can keep somewhere protected from the cold in winter.  Some will probably make seed;  keep the seed and pkant again next time.  You can cut some of the leaves and keep in the fridge for use when you do not have enough fresh ones.  You can give some manure or fertiliser when you plant afresh.

  3. Coriander needs endless trimming because it soon goes to seed, if you want to you can let it flower then collect the seeds for growth next year. Try planting new seeds every two weeks then you'll have it all summer. You can also pull up the whole young plant, wash off the roots and use them in stews and soups or curries (delicious). Basil will only last this summer as it is a tender annual, give it plenty of water and heat and trim regularly. Seeds can be sown next year as soon as the weather warms up. Parsley is quite hardy and will grow all summer. It's a biennial and will flower in its second year. Thymes are evergreen small shrubs and will grow all year round although not as much in winter. They will flower if not trimmed but will grow new leaves once they've finished flowering.

  4. Most herbs are cut and come again and you can use indoors but they will need lots of light.

  5. I should think that aslong as you look after them theyd last forever because they will regrow when they die.

    After you pick them though, kept in the fridge theyll last about a week.

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