
How long will my parrot sleep this way?

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It is very still on the bottom of the cage and hasn't moved for a week. The pet shop says this is normal but I am not sure. In fact it was still when I got it until it fell off its perch




  1. I have 3 Amazon Parrots and have always been told that if you notice them sleeping on the bottom of the cage, they are probably very sick. Your best bet is to 1) make sure he's alive in the first place and 2) get him to an avian vet STAT.

    Good luck. Maybe you can get your money back from the pet store that sold the bird.

  2. The pet shop unfortunately is not correct, this is not a normal way for your parrot to sleep.  Chances are your parrot is ill and needs to be taken in to a veterinarian that specializes in avian medicine as soon as possible!

    Healthy Parrots normally sleep on the highest perch with one leg tucked in and their heads tucked into their wings.  

    Parrots can mask illnesses for a long period of time and when they've gotten to being on the bottom of the cage are usually very ill.

  3. Your bird is very SICK and the pet shop is lieing to you and they know they are lieing to you. I suggest getting it to a vet and if you can't find a bird vet I suggest keeping the bird as warm as possible. But for an entire week of being sick like this your bird will most likely passaway. So prepare your heart for the loss of your bird and if you just got it from a pet shop take your reciept and the bird and go get a full refund never buying from them again.  

  4. that is not normal at all!

    get it to a vet.! only very sick birds sleep at the bottom of the cage.

    I hope everything works out!

  5. he's dead, that's what's wrong with him! if you take him back to the shop they will say he's stunned or that he's probably pining for the fjords.

    check to see if he was nailed to the perch.  

  6. No a parrot does not sleep this way. Get him to the vet asap.

    They usually fluff themselves up on the perch and sleep, there is a health problem with this bird. Make sure he has plenty of fresh fruit, hard boiled eggs, cooked chicken bones, fresh water as well as the usual good mix of parrot seeds, they like toast without the butter. Avocado & chocolate are toxic so NEVER feed this.Keep him warm, he needs company all the time, in winter make sure he is warm by keeping the heating on, when  you go out for any length of time keep the radio on for him.

    Parrots are flock birds they need company, but please take him to the vet for a check up there is a problem. Clean is cage thouroughly once a week and inbetween wipe over daily.

  7. Its dead

  8. The only time I've seen a healthy bird sleep on the bottome of the cage is when they are babies and don't have good balance yet. How old is your bird? They may have sold you a bird that wasn't fully weaned and fully fledged. It sounds more like they are lying to you. Birds do not sleep on the bottom of the cage otherwise, unless they are sick. Did the bird come with any kind guarantee? Most reputable breeders and pet store owners give you three days to have it checked by an Avian Vet. Unfortunately, if they did and you didn't go the vet, then there really isn't much you can do, as far as getting your money back. It sounds as if they knowingly sold you a sick bird, what a bad way to run a pet store. I am sorry. Get him to the vet ASAP and hopefully they can save him.  

  9. It is dead fred.

  10. He's passed on! This parrot is no more! He has ceased to be! He's expired and gone to meet his maker! He's a stiff! Bereft of life, he rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed him to the perch he'd be pushing up the daisies! His metabolic processes are now history! He's off the twig! He's kicked the bucket, he's shuffled off his mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleeding choir invisible!! He.. IS AN EX-PARROT!

  11. does it eat?

  12. that is not normal call a vet your bird might be scared or something try holding him if i was you i would \call a vet

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