i had surgery a month ago called spinal fusion with instrumentation to fix my scoliosis. i have felt a slight numb/tingly/pins-and-needles sensation in my left thigh since then. my orthopaedist says this is normal. my back is also slightly numb although that's probably to be expected since that's where the operation was and nerves were affected. my question is, about how long will this numbness last?
and also, recently i've been feeling a weird sensation in my left ankle. it's like a tingly & slightly painful itch that lasts for just a few seconds but it's highly bothersome... it makes my leg twitch and it seems like the skin there has become very sensitive, and it hurts a bit when i touch it there or try to scratch the itch. what the heck is this feeling and how long will it last? i'm actually going to see my orthopaedist tomorrow so i'll ask him about it, but i wanted to hear from people who might have experienced these things.
sorry for the length, and thanks in advance :)