
How long will numbness last after scoliosis surgery?

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i had surgery a month ago called spinal fusion with instrumentation to fix my scoliosis. i have felt a slight numb/tingly/pins-and-needles sensation in my left thigh since then. my orthopaedist says this is normal. my back is also slightly numb although that's probably to be expected since that's where the operation was and nerves were affected. my question is, about how long will this numbness last?

and also, recently i've been feeling a weird sensation in my left ankle. it's like a tingly & slightly painful itch that lasts for just a few seconds but it's highly bothersome... it makes my leg twitch and it seems like the skin there has become very sensitive, and it hurts a bit when i touch it there or try to scratch the itch. what the heck is this feeling and how long will it last? i'm actually going to see my orthopaedist tomorrow so i'll ask him about it, but i wanted to hear from people who might have experienced these things.

sorry for the length, and thanks in advance :)




  1. your doctor hasn't told you the whole truth yet because it is too soon after your have a bunch of inflammation that has to be absorbed and disposed of by the have had significant trauma.  I was told at least 6 months to a year after my laminectomy but it was more like 15 months...sorry.  You may have neuropathy from the nerve compression from the scoliosis.  Just do your therapy and don't worry too much yet.  I have permanent nerve damage in my left leg and foot....once the nerve is damaged it can't come back.  It feels numb painful, tingling all at the same time. I am going to see a neurologist later this month because it is becoming more painful and has spread to my other foot.  I fall from the inability to feel my feet.

    I feel for husband has severe idiopathic scoliosis...he has a 30 degree curve then it curves the other direction 35 degrees with another 17 decree curve in his lower back...he never had corrective surgery because no surgeon will touch him they are afraid of paralysis. He takes lots of pain meds and has a pain block electrostimulation device implanted in his back.  He is mobile so we are happy

    Good luck with the doc...they only tell you what you ask so ask lots of questions and if you don't understand ask some more...they like the challenge of an informed patient.


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