
How long will roses last?

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Im trying to figure out how long roses will last in cool not cold not hot weather. The roses would have water of course.




  1. 3 weeks

    please answer mine:;...

  2. Are we talking roses still on the bush or cut?

    Cut, a week max, sometimes I've had them go nearly two weeks but that was very unusual.  I use floral preservatives,not aspirin.  

    On the bush, it depends on the variety, some last a day or two.  In your cooler weather even the short lived ones can't be expected to last more than a few additional days.  Generally roses last about 5 days, a touch longer in cooler weather.

    Roses are on a 40 day rotation, after you cut them back properly, to the five leaf cluster, a new rose won't be in bloom for 40 days (plus or minus) as they have to initiate a new stem then a flower bud.  So you really don't want your roses to be all blooming at once on a modern hybrid tea for example, but different stems blooming.  It never quite works that way though, but generally a "bloom cycle" on an entire bush may last 3 or 4 weeks then return to big bloom in 40 days.  

  3. if taken care of they can last 3 good weeks. i had somet hat did down in texas. you hae to cut the stems and stuff and rewater it and use asprin in the water but then again there are some roses that die in couple days no matter what you do. its just wht type of them you get and i am not sure what type they were but they were beautiful.

  4. They last longer in cool weather. Some roses also last longer than others.

    Most modern roses are everblooming, so you don't have to worry about how long an individual flower will last, because the plant is constantly producing more.

  5. Every living thing has a lifespan but 15 years for a rose is nothing.

    The mulch with manure is good but needs to be 2-3 inches thick to do any good. Regular watering is also required during these hot spells.

    Manure is not enough! Supplemental applications of fertilizers should also be applied. Bonemeal in the winter, faster-acting feeds during the growing season.

    While insect pests are more of a nuisance than threatening, diseases such as black spot and fungal root infections may take their toll. In the latter cases, planting new roses in the same position may not be such a good idea.

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