
How long will someone test POSITIVE for marijuana?

by  |  earlier

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i've been told it stays in a person's system for about 30 days.

this is NOT for me! this is regarding placement of children and relatives who smoke marijuana who NEED TO BE TESTED! (and don't need these kids!)




  1. It depends on how the test is done:  if they u/a you , take your blood or swab the inside of your cheek, its going to show a weaker concentration.  The real Biggie Test is when they do a hair test!

    So if these people who are trying to get or trying to keep these kids, have the hair tested.  And it will show up what ever else drug-wise they have been doing.

    That should show for certainly if they have done it in the last 30 days.  If you are concerned about these people getting these kids and are in a position to do some thing about it, talk to the case worker privately and let them know what has been going on and why you feel that these kids are not safe to be put with them.  Also mention the hair test, as it is the most reliable.  It sounds like the whole group, kids included, should all be given the hair test.  That way it can be prov en that it has already been done around these kids. Good luck with all of this!  It is  hard to find some one who's sole interest is the kids.  I am assuming that these kids are not your??  At any rate, it seems to me that the case worker needs to be doing  a lot more in her/his job, than just rubber stamping papers through!!  This is actually a pretty common thing any more, too much stuff seems to just slip through the cracks.  As I've already said, I wish you all the luck in the world!

  2. it depends upon the percentage of body fat the person has.  the average is 30 days.  also it depends upon the amount they consume.  it can be as short as 21 days and as long as 45 days.  if it is a hair test ... it will be present until the hair grows out and is cut off.

  3. I have always thaought at the most 30 days but I don't know.

  4. 30 days MAX ever

  5. depends on how much you smoke. anywhere from 5 to 45 days. Exercise and drinking lots of fluids (especially cranberry juice) help lower the amounts of days it stays in your system.

  6. depending on how you joint can be up to 7 days i think..But daily use probably will result in 30 days just test them when they least expect it.

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