
How long will standard DVD continue to be available?

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Now that Blue Ray has won the Hi-Def. DVD formate wars, how long will it take to displace the standard DVD format?.





  1. For quite some time, actually.

    Just because there is now one high definition videodisc format it does not exactly mean that there will be a flood of people buying Blu-Ray Disc players and discs.

    For many people, DVD is very much like Compact Disc; it may not be state-of-the-art, but it still works well enough for the purpose. This is in addition to the fact that upgrading is expensive and it doesn't help that the high-def players offered today don't really do a stellar job at playing DVDs.

    I would say that it may be at least 5 years, and that's being overly optimistic for Blu-Ray's sake.

  2. a few years there are vast amouts of dvd players out there with low resolutions tv's.

  3. Longer than you or I will be around.  Blu-ray is fated to be a premium niche product bought by those who can benefit and are willing to pay premium prices.

    But irrespective of Blu-ray's future, there are over 80,000 DVD titles in the catalog (vs less than 500 Blu-ray), and many of them (and I include mainstream movies not just weird stuff) will never be ported to Blu-ray ... the market just isn't there. Furthermore, DVD is ubiquitous ... in the car, in the kitchen, in portable players ... all unlikely candidates for HD now or in the future.

    Don't worry about DVD ,,, the studios would love to kill it and force us all to buy Blu-ray but it ain't going to happen ... the installed base of hundreds of millions of DVD players, and fact the majority of consumers have no interest in replacing their DVDs will ensure they can't afford to cut off their major revenue stream.

  4. I don't think so that the current DVD will be out of stock for another decade to come as the technology has not yet reached the masses around the world. It will still continue as the same old cd continues to sell throughout the world.

  5. I am guessing 5-6 years at least.

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