
How long will take before my husband can come home to visit after his Article 15 clears?

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My husband received an Article 15 last month and it will be cleared on August 15. I have not seen my love since February when we were married and I want to see him but I don't know how long it usually takes for someone who is just getting off of an article 15 to come home and visit.




  1. I wouldn't look for him anytime soon considering that those who gave him the Article 15 are the ones that have to approve his leave. Leave is limited to a certain percentage of the unit and I would not be looking for him to be in the favorable percentage for quite some time.

    Sorry you picked a loser to marry, but, stuff happens. Better luck next time.  

  2. He will return when his unit returns. The article 15 aka Non judicial punishment has nothing to do with his return date. Unless he was recommended for separation. the he has to go to and admin separation board and if they say he is being separated they along with legal will determine when he gets discharged. another is if he is granted leave. If that is the case, he can request to come home whenever but it is up to his command to approve it.

  3. The Article 15 is non-judicial punishment.  Along with the paper,  he will get some other form of punishment such as reduction in rank,  loss of pay,  extra duty.  They can also deny leave as part of the punishment.  Or they could simply deny him leave as it would create a void in his unit.  They do not have to give him leave as I believe he can accumulate up to 90 days of leave since he is in a war zone.  

  4. Ever hear of "Hurry Up and Wait"?

  5. Well this depends on his chain of command.  He does not have to get leave if they do not want to approve it.  

    I am not sure what you mean by cleared on August 15th.  Does this mean his extra duty is finished on the 15th?  Because then he will still be flagged for longer.  Plus there is not enough info here, is it a company grade, field grade?  How much extra duty?  Because the severity of the ART15 is important.

    If he is no longer on restriction then why don't you visit him.  It may be a faster way to see your hubby!

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