
How long will the U.S. Last?

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It's just the way the world works from ancient history ( Rome, Persia,Babylon, English, British, Russian, Soviet) to modern day I mean the last Empire (of sorts) to fall was the Soviet Block. how long will we (United states) stay top dog?




  1. Good question.  I think that one of most important attributes a vital company can possess is a manufacturing sector.

    Can that country make their own cars, clothing, etc?

    Over the last 50 years, we have gone from country of manufactuers, to consumers.  If all h**l were to break loose, we wouldn't have the infrastructure to even support ourselves anymore with our own goods and materials.  When this happens, you are owned by other nations.

    I predict that the U.S. is slowly being decapitated at the moment.  I think we will "survive" as a nation, but I think we will become similar to the problems the Soviet Union has had the last 20 years.  

    Lawlessness, food shortages, overall breakdown in society, looting.

    I expect this to happen within 25 years +/- 10years.  If fuel gets to $10 a gallon, all h**l with break loose

  2. The private global banks and the non-Federal Federal Reserve bank has the US by the....

  3. Our country will most likely fall due to foreign invasion.

    Think of the "Trojan Horse".  Millions of illegal immigrants have over-taken our country in most areas.   All they need to do is say the word, and we could very quickly be "Absorbed" back into Mexico.

    This is only one scenario.  The way that the US puts foreigners above their own citizens will GUARANTEE our demise.

    Those who are ignorant of history are destined to repeat it.

    I'd give us about 50-75 years.

  4. Not very long the way we're going. We're rapidly following predications in The Bible. It could very well be "the end of days". Especially if we get involved in another war. Like Iran. Besides I don't think the US is "top dog". Russia is. Look @ the size of their country compared to the US. Trouble is, the US isn't so mighty because hardly anyone wants to back us up!

  5. Not much longer if gas prices keep going the way they are going and the stock market, and the economy keep slumping.

  6. It's tough to say.  History is full of major empires and powerful nations rising and then falling.  It will happen its only a matter of time.  I personally believe that we are at a very critical point right now.  Our gas prices are outrageous and it seems like noting is being done about it, we have the ever so heated debate over the war in Iraq, and the new presidential election.  I think within the next 6 years or so we will find out.  We have to give the next president some time after they are out of office (if they are not re-elected)

  7. We arent viewed as Top Dog outside of the country.  The U.S. has already fallen.

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