
How long will the democratic controlled congress allow.?

by Guest62414  |  earlier

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this implosion of our economy?...The Dims are in control,nothing goes forward in Washington unless they allow it....fuel prices are going higher and the filter down effect is hitting us everywhere....but if the Dims dont move soon the whole deck of cards is going to come when do they forget about making us drive less and start helping their people?




  1. You're funny.  If you'd been on the Titanic when it was going down, you probably would have been freaking out about the lack of ice for your martini.  Fuel prices?  The deck of cards has been coming down for a long time now and soon the deck, the table, and the house will be gone.  No one's in control anymore.  Prepare yourself for Road Warrior.

  2. Can you say market manipulation?

    OPEC's reports show crude oil production staying stable, and demand for crude oil up only slightly.

    Meanwhile refinery output for the stuff you burn in your car is at 85% of capacity.  Before this increase, output was closer to 100%  So pull supply out of a tight market and, eureka we get instant shortages.  Ansd we all know from the ENRON electricity debacle that the solution is to raise prices and blame the Democrats.

    Or we could blame bush's actions pushing the national debt to historic levels with his wars and thus devaluing the dollar thus pushing prices up slightly to keep the value the same.  As the dollar slips 5% oil prices will rise 5% that's inflation.

    Inflation is not up to the congress it is up to Bush's appointee Benny Bernanke.  So blame the democrats because Bush has appointed yet another incompetent crony.

    And report me to YAHOO for rationally disagreeing with your opinions.  That's what free speech is about, after all.

  3. they could care less about the real people of America...all they want is to hit at Bush and the Repubs and cater to the eco nuts....our wallets and our food supply's mean nothing to them

  4. they dont care about normal people..they have theirs and their voters have the gov handouts to take care of them..welfare etc,so they can just sit back and watch

  5. they dont care..they are still in bed with the eco freaks and the  goal is to"try to make people drive less" as stated by one of their pieholes on the news....its gonna be a real bad summer for normal people

  6. I'll say this...

    since you sound like a Republican...

    anything they would do... you don't want them to do...

    be careful what you ask for...

  7. Wow. Interesting that you only think that the Dems have controlled Congress since ohh.....2001? The Dems have controlled Congress since late 2007, early2008. So lets see.....with a Rep controlled Cong what have we witnessed?

    -War, war, and more war

    -Escalating gas

    -Highest unemplyment rate (5.5% and rising) in 50 years

    -1,000,000 FORECLOSURES (a record by far)

    -10 billion dollars a MONTH on a war, based on lies, fear, and propaganda.

    Are you really this ignorant?

  8. I noticed the all night fast food places started closing at midnight...the all night gas stations on the interstate also...the car dealers havent sold a single car this month...oh yeah...the dems got the wheel..they get to try to fix it or they get hauled out and burned at the stake

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