
How long will the meat from a roadside deer carcus be good?

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I saw a large buck on the side of the road on my way to work on Monday, but I didn't have my truck. I get my truck back tomorrow. I want to get the carcus, but want to make sure the meat is still good.




  1. ewwwwww

  2. EWWW

  3. A VERY short time. The carcass should be bled almost immediately, otherwise the meat will not be safe to eat.

  4. Usually if it's been hit by a car it's not good for 30 minutes. Imagine slamming a piece of fruit on the ground as hard as you can before eating it. That's what happens to a deer after getting hit by a dually at 50mph.

  5. go to the store and get this new thing called a steak you dumb redneck po dunk hillbilly hick

  6. Are you serious? Its no good!  Especially if the impact broke the gut sack. Then the meat was permeated with bile and other awful fluids almost right way. I would stay away from it.

    Unless you like that sort of thing.

      Roadkill is best eaten fresh.

        Just watch for cars.

  7. ERMM lmao.... dear god no... itll be crawling with bugs and already be decomposing! In warm weather a dead carcass wont be healthy beyond a day but 4/5? Leave it

  8. i dont think itll still be good..

    thats a bit... nasty "o.O eating roadkill nd all...

  9. ask the guys at the roadkill cafe

  10. Different states have different rules about salvaging roadkill.  In some states, individuals may not pick it up.  In others, only the person who hit it may, but it must be reported before you begin.

    Hunters know that wild animals should be field dressed as soon as they are killed to prevent spoilage, and with deer they should be skinned as well.  After all, their hair insulates they well enough for them to sleep on a snow bank without melting it.  Therefore, it also hold the body heat in and promotes spoilage.

  11. I'm pretty sure over a day it would be bad - it's pretty hot outside - unless you are in a part of the world that's cold - then I wouldn't attempt to eat it... By now flies have laid eggs and by tomorrow maggots will begin hatching.

    Of course - even if it is bad - as long as you cook the meat super well it's edible. Even rotten chicken and beef is still edible if cooked completely... may not taste great - but you can eat it.

    My advise is - leave it alone.

    It's no longer good...


  12. Has it bled out yet?  Has it been hot or is it cooler in your region?  If you've bled it out and if its been cool out, the meat should last longer.  Also, remember there are other predators competing for that piece of meat, so don't be surprised if part of it is gone when you get back.

  13. Gross man eww.

  14. Never eat things from the side of the road. It may already be in decomposition, maggots could already be inside. Decomposition starts inside and works its way outside. You also don't know what that animal's diet was, it could've been sick.

    Only eat things you've hunted, because you've seen it alive and known it's not extremely ill.

  15. Tempting, huh... nothing like a good venison steak. BUT, you don't know for sure when it was killed, what organs are ruptured, etc. It's been sitting outside since monday, hasn't been bled or gutted, maybe out in the heat... it's probably crawling with bugs by now... at this point, if it were me, I'd just take the head and rot it out for a new skull mount.

    Let your nose and eyes tell you if the meat's still good... but I'm willing to bet it's not.

  16. The meat would be good for about 1week or so then you should clean off the top part and shed off the side with spots

  17. That is so gross.  I can't believe you're even considering it.  If you didn't actually see it get hit in the first place, definitely leave it alone.  Even if you did see it hit, I wouldn't go back and get it the next day.  Creatures of all kinds will have plenty of time to go after it before you pick it up.  You don't want that.  Bugs are fast, nasty bugs.

  18. two days

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