
How long will the pain last?

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I have a Hemorrhagic Ovarian Cyst and I have been in extreme pain for a week. The pain medication my Doctors prescribed barely takes the edge off the pain. I am thinking about surgery, but I'm afraid that it will affect my chances of being able to conceive. I looked on web md for information on how long symptoms last, but haven't been able to find any information.




  1. It's very difficult to predict just how long the pain will last with ovarian cysts.  There are many factors that influence the pain: the location of the cyst (if it's pressing on a nerve etc.), the size of the cyst and whether it has burst or is still growing.  If your doctor is suggesting surgery I would seriously consider this option as Hemorrhagic cysts are almost always require surgery.  The procedure is called a laparoscopy and is very minimally invasive and should in no way affect your ability to conceive in the future. In truth a laparoscopy may help the doctor determine if there are any other issues relating to the formation of cysts (endometriosis, Pelvic inflammatory disease..) The more information your dr has the better he will be able to treat your symptoms as well as provide you with other treatment options if needed. I personally have undergone 3 laparoscopies for the removal of endometrial tissue within my pelvic cavity as well as several cysts.  After each surgery I would have a significant improvement in my pain level. I had many ultrasounds done prior to my surgeries but it was only once the surgeon was inside that they determined I had significant scarring, cysts and a bicornuate uterus (in the shape of a heart with a septum dividing the cavity into 2 sections).  Without surgery I would have never known this. Good luck with everything and I hope things go well. Please go back to your Dr if the pain medication is not working he may need to increase the dose or switch you to another medication.  Myself I have found that a combination of an NSAID and a narcotic analgesic works best (ie, Ibuprophen and Demerol or hydrocodone)`

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