
How long will this cat drama last...

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... my gf and i just accepted another cat(soleil) into our house. she's around two or so, i think. at first, one of the others(shiraz) was hissing, etc. but after a day or two she just became curious. now when shiraz or liittle one try to approach soleil, she starts to hiss and growl and won't let them get close. she also thinks she owns the bed, so shiraz doesn't come to sleep in here and she's mad and jealous at me now, and won't look me in the eye or let me hold her. how long will this other cat put up a fight? because i miss shiraz sleeping with us at night, and i don't like her being upset with me.




  1. Every cat is different. It took my cat almost 2 weeks to get her little d**n drama. You just have to wait till she is over it.

  2. Unfortunately when you bring home a new cat the other cats won't like the new one. Also the new cat usually doesn't like the other cats either. It's perfectly normal for them to hiss and swat at one another. Also the two that were already there may hiss at one another as if they don't know one another. But they only do that because of the new cats scent. It all depends on the cats to resolve the problem. They will figuere out who is the dominant one and who are the submissive ones. Because there is always an alpha cat. Once they figuere out who is the dominant one their drama usually ends. Also make sure that you give the other two cats as much attention as you used to. This situation will require time and alot of patience on you and your gf's part.

    In time they will learn to get along.

  3. New feline relationships equal time and patience.  Usually the cats do work things out just fine.

    Here's an article you might find helpful:

    And if they become quite aggressive here's a good article about cat behavior:

    good luck!

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