
How long will this fraud of man made global warming continue?

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How long will this fraud of man made global warming continue?




  1. global warming is not a fraud cant you feel the heat its so fuking hot now a days

  2. Probably until there is no one left to perpetuate it.  Then the denieristi can claim intellectual and moral victory posthumously.

  3. You must mean the denial fraud.

    It will continue until the executives of ExxonMobil and Fox News are hanged for treason.

  4. Nice sources and examples you use to back your Fraud argument.

  5. The only reason to believe that global warming is a fraud is so people can rationalize that its ok to use fossil fuels like they have been, they don't have to make any changes, business can go on as usual.  That is the fraud!

  6. Y2K was actually not a fraud. It took millions of dollars and many computer experts to prevent a serious problem. If everyone had switched to a Mac computer, we could have saved a lot of money and worry.

    Global warming is not worth arguing over. If it is out of our hands, then probably nothing we do will change it. Of course, it is a gamble. What if we are causing it? The price is very high and those who want to do nothing and continue to play their fiddle while Rome burns will probably be the first to complain that science lead them down a wrong path again.

    The critical issue that nobody can deny is that we are causing potentially irreversible damage to our planet. How much garbage floating to our shores does it take to convince people that we need to start making significant changes in the ways we manage Earth. I suspect a very first step would be to start a massive effort to produce safe energy sources so we do not have to get either oil or uranium from folks who do not like us. Then maybe we would not be fighting in Iraq; we'd be visiting Iraq.

    So stop wasting your energy calling global warming a fraud and start doing your part to solve the bigger problems. In turn, if we are causing global warming, our efforts to save the planet will do its' part to solve global warming.

  7. As long as we keep feeding on and letting news groups, politicians and cultural elites tell what to do and how to think, we will continually be herded into certain thought patterns to keep us under control through fear and taxes.  It's always something every five to ten years and it always shakes out to be nothing.  Remember Y2K, acid rain?

  8. The real fraud is the people

    who are so desperate to absolve humanity from any guilt

    of any eco crimes .or environmentally destructive behavior

    ,not to mention being wasteful with our bio resources,

    so that they can continue to behave like pigs in paradise

    At the cost of ALL other Earthlings

    including people

  9. It's an election years least until November.

  10. Political power has overshadowed raw science and reason. We are in an age that if you tell a lie enough it becomes truth. It will take time and probably a sustained cooling period to finally kill this ridiculous theory.

  11. How long will the scientifically uninformed claim (without evidence) that man made global warming is a fraud?

    Hopefully, little by little they will start to educate themselves and realize that it is real and it's in our own best interest to do something about it.  Here's a few links for anyone willing to learn something:

    The 2008 National Academy of Sciences Summary Brochure on Climate Change

    The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Global Warming FAQs

    Department of Geology and Geophysics at Yale Global Warming FAQ

    NOAA Global Warming FAQ

    The Scientific Basis for Anthropogenic Climate Change

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