
How long will this last,cockatiel gone wild?

by Guest45056  |  earlier

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my cockatiel is about 2 years old and his hormones are going crazy

He ok for a while then he has a fit if I move or try to leave

he bite me to the point I bleed,

his behavior has gottern so bad that I have to have him in his cage

is this wrong??




  1. simply reduce the amount of light he recieves,   the moodiness wont go away completely but it will decrease alot  goodluck

  2. Hormonal male birds get aggressive from frustration of not breeding and yes, they do bite during this time peroid.

    Best for you and the bird is to keep him caged and talk to him, but don't handle him until the hormones settle back down.

    Don't blame the bird, this is nature and normal, he will be back to being nice when this time passes.

  3. One tip to try and end the behaviour earlier than the end of the breeding season is to gradually reduce the length of the day.

    For example, if it gets dark at 8pm and that's what time he goes to sleep, then the first day you could cover him up at 7:45, the next day at 7:30, etc. until he gets maybe an hour or two less daylight then he would naturally.

    This can trick them into thinking that summer is over, the winter is coming and breeding season is over.

    Hope it works for you!

  4. Yes, it is completely normal behavior in hormonal cockatiels. My two cockatiels do the exact same thing during the breeding season. They are also masturbating like crazy!

    Birds with raging hormones do get aggressive, but it is only temporary. Your bird might m********e as well - by rubbing his back side against a perch or toy.

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