
How long will this last?? HELP!?

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Hi all! I am a breastfeeding, co-sleeping Mommy to a beautiful 10.5 month old baby boy that is teething BIG TIME! He cut his first bottom tooth 3 days ago (it finally got through the gum), but it seemingly has not come up at all! And the one next to it seems to be trying to cut through also now. The thing is that he has been having a hard time for a few weeks now and I thought once the tooth cut through the gum it would come right up! At least not hurt him anymore! Of course I've been using all methods of relief for him (teething tablets, tylenol, ice rings, frozen washcloths, TONS of rubbing his belly, back, reading books etc..). I'm just exhausted and I'm pretty sure that he is too! In your experience, how long did it take your baby's teeth to come up after breaking the gum? Please tell me relief is not far away!





  1. Your best bet is baby orajel and baby motrin

    Orajel will numb the achy gums. Motrin is stronger than tylenol for pain.

    Sometimes teething hurts BADLY!

  2. Hi,

    Yeah that's not fun..I have a 14 mo old daughter that just went through that...those teeth sure hurt the nipples the first little while...she poked 4 teeth at the same time 2.5-3 months ago and they are about three quarters poked out now.. I was surprised at how long it takes too...i thought they'd come right out in like a week...hope this helps...

  3. Well the worst is over now, like everyone has said it will be a little longer before it comes all the way up but now that it had cut the gum it should not cause any more pain, I also use oral gel worked great for us. good luck with each new tooth it should get easier for them

  4. My daughter's first tooth broke through the gums on the 28th of July and the second about a week later. It has been almost a month and they are about halfway grown in. Once that second one cuts through and they both come above the gumline the pain should subside. My daughter was in pain for about 3 weeks total. Hang in there. I know it's tough! :)

  5. Riley just got his first tooth...then the 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th all in a 2 week time frame. The top 4 are all the way through and showing quite well but his lonely bottom tooth has broken through but hasn't "popped up" any more than that. It's been about a week & a half since that tooth broke through (first tooth was July 31st). I'm starting to wonder the same thing as you. The others came in so quickly but not that bottom one. Now that it's broken through, it shouldn't be as uncomfortable as before. Maybe your baby is going to get more soon. In the meantime--have you tried baby oragel? It works great for my son.

    Good luck & I hope relief is within grasp for both you & your baby!!

  6. Hey Mama...

    I am currently mothering my 3rd infant through teething issues. My personal feeling is that you simply cannot make everything all better all the time. Especially with teeth, since they keep coming in for about a year. I don't use pain-relievers. When my babe can't be consoled, I just lie with her, snuggle her, massage her back/legs/feet, and let her know I'm there by saying "I know, it hurts... you're really mad... I'm so sorry... I love you, little girl..."  It takes a little time, but she really seems to respond to me telling her it's gonna be okay. I think your mama-voice is a very powerful and soothing tool. In any case, know that there are so many of us up-at-night mamas out here sharing your exhaustion!!!



  7. my daughter started getting her 1st  tooth on her birthday then in the days following she got 2 more now the 2nd top one is trying to come in but she is 14 months now and none of them are fully in. luckily she hasn't gotten the idea to bite while she is breastfeeding. so good luck

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