
How long will you go to jail if you shoot someone? ?

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What if you shoot them in the crotch several times?




  1. well a long time now because it just became "premeditated" after you asked the question.

  2. If you were a GI and the other an Iraqi prisoner then you would be cleared  

  3. USA about 60 years....UK youll get 6 months.

  4. If you did that, then the judge would rule that you deliberately  killed  him or tried to kill him. Either way, it's first degree murder which is life! or twenty to twenty five years for grievous body harm! so you'd be a looser either way!  

  5. It doesn't matter where you shoot them you will get the same amount of time.

  6. there are different laws for different countries..................each has a diff time period

  7. That depends, does the person die?

  8. Because you shot someone 3 times the prosecution would say that your act was intentional. But it also depends how the quality of life of the victim was affected. Whether or not the person lived and whether or not your act was premeditated or in the heat of passion.

    you can plead bail after 4 years

  9. Gosh, that is a tough question to answer with what you've provided?  Is this a situation where your life is being threatened?   Was it intentional?   Was it a pre-meditated act?   Did it cause death?  

    Taking aim at a person's "Turkey parts" seems to indicate that this person caused you harm either to your body or between your ears?  

      So, you could walk away scott free without spending anytime in the clink to the possiblity of lethal injection in some states(premedated murder).   Trust me, a wound to the "Turkey parts" is a bleeder not to mention the fact that the person see's there life and reproductive future flash before them.

  10. Some people just need shooting!  I mean, if it was self defense, and that only applies to an active, immediate threat to personal safety, then you probably don't go to jail.  Repeatedly shooting someone in the same place may diminish your argument for self defense.

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