
How long would I have to wait?

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My Fiancee and i have been trying to get pregnant for a long time now, and for the past week, I have been experiencing 3 different things that all pointed to the possibility of me being pregnant.

If we did concieve this time around, it means that our baby will be born in April or May. In April/May, I know that it is very close to Summer, and I know that newborns can't be around alot of heat.

So, if my baby was born around that time, how long would I have to wait to be able to take her outside in the Summer without her getting too hot?




  1. You don't have to wait.  Just don't take her out for long periods, keep her out of the sun, and be sure to breastfeed her enough to stay well-hydrated (but never give a newborn water).

    You can even take a newborn out in the August heat if you want to, but you just wouldn't want to stay out too long.  If she's all sweaty, getting cranky, or seems very sleepy, you've stayed out too long.  

    My daughter was born in August and I lived in South Florida.  I took her out for about a 20-minute walk in the stroller nearly every day.  She loved it.  I was just sure to keep the sun off of her.

  2. Hey Im not answering this question. MY name is Aracelis, I'm the girl from the other question u asked about ur baby's name and i  just wanted to give u my email its or purdynpnkxoxo@gmail and i was just wondering if you could email me so we could talk without everyone reading what we are saying

  3. Our daughter was born in mid-March, and its been a hot summer. I usually take her outside onto the porch in the evening once the sun has gone down behind the mountains and she's fine.....   there's daylight and its warm but no direct sun.

  4. Babies aren't as fragile as new mothers think.  You would just need to keep your baby in the shade and watch for perspiration.

  5. Babies survived before air conditioning. Just keep her dressed light, even in just a diaper and stay in the shade. My son was born in mid march and has been going outside since he was born,  dressed accordingly. Just watch for signs of over heating like sweating and red cheeks and make sure she stays hydrated with either breast milk or formula, no water.

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