
How long would a child have to be off school before the school informed the local authorities?

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and what would happen then?

the parents state its because their children are being bullied and the school is doing nothing to help. school believe its because the parents cant be bothered to take them.




  1. If school is not doing anything about the bullying the parents need to take action.

    They need to write a letter stating their whole situation and send a copy of it to the principal, superintendent, every member of the school board and your state dept of education.

    All schools have an anti bully policy that they must follow. Tell parents to get a copy of this at the superintendents office. Take it to the school and ask them how are they going to be in compliance with that law and protect your child.

    They are not doing anything about the bullying because they want more money from NCLB.

    Ask your state dept of education what is the time limit that kids can be out of school before the school can take action for truancy.

  2. you can make an anonymous call to the dcf hotline anytime

  3. not to long - they will try to get hold of the parent within a few days by telephoning the contact number as they amount of unauthorised absences now effect the school stats. If they don't get a reply the send letters and finally the truancy officer. They also send a report every term to the parent reporting how many days sick and absent they are. As a parent i have received letters within 3 days telling me if any of my children are late for registration and they are very rarely off school

  4. It depends on the local laws. At my school the parents are notified and the student is suspended for ONE unexcused absence, and truancy officers are notified after the 8th absence. The parents are still required by federal law to keep the kid in school.

    EDIT: From the additional details you've provided, the parents need to get their act together, pull their heads out of their arses, and deal with it, they can't expect everyone to do everything for them, they've got to do things on their own.

  5. the skol can't actually do anything untill the childs attendence drops below 80% and if its bullyin, the school has the rite to help stop it but it also depnds on the type of bullyin and wat the person is like, people hve tried to bully me, a few sarcastic comments and they usually leave it, hvin some back-bone makes bullyin alot less of a problem unless ur actually gettin beat up!! (ouch << memory, mean, y pull my hair? it takes ages for it to grow back!!)

    well truthfully if u go and speak with the prinicpal sumthing usually happens!! but if people want to bully, the teachers can't b everywhere and bein off skol too long, isolates the person, means there r on their own, friends really do help!!

  6. nowadays i'd say about 1 week as the school now phones you if you child is off school and they have not been informed before lunchtime

  7. usually about a week or two

    if the parents call in or have a note it will be excused

    otherwise if the school is doing nothing about it just switch schools!

  8. in Ireland it is 20 days.but they flexible if child genuinely sick

  9. When I was in school, it was ten days. After ten days the school could turn it in to the authorities. Then the parents are sent to court. I know someone who's parents got in trouble because the daughter wouldn't go to school.

  10. you can get the parents to claim home schooling my parents done that for a while and the i don't know who but someone sent them the curriculum for my studies i don't think it was the school as i wasn't in one at the time it was the time between year 6 and year 7

    i was home schooled for 6 months or so

  11. The parents need to prove that they have an alternative for their children's education. Such as private, religious or home schooling. My parents had the same problem with one of my younger brothers and opted for home schoolng him.

    I want to say that the authorities become involved if the student has missed more than 30 days of school, or school officials have alerted them. It also depends on the age of the student.

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