
How long would it take a package to ship about 140 miles without any prblems?

by  |  earlier

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i have one of the greatest packages i think i have ever gotten and i would like to know how long it gets here




  1. Depends what courier is being used and where its coming from.

    There is always the potential for problems but if you have ordered it online, there should be details of estimated delivery times - normally 3-5 working days.  Sometimes you can pay extra for next day delivery, so it really depends on what service you have requested.

  2. This depends on several large it is, how it is being shipped, in some cases the weather.

    I once sent a certified registered letter 63 miles with an $11,000 check in it. It took 9 days for it to arrive costing me more interest on the money! They couldn't even trace it to find out where it was.

    Normally your shipment should arrive in 3 to 5 days depending on method of shipment.

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