
How long would it take a pair ......?

by  |  earlier

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of , er ...ACTIVE Koalas to establish a colony on a small island like Anguilla ....? Are there any known predators ....?




  1. well not long, I believe the only predators would be stary dogs and humans.

  2. Hmmm...yes.  Interesting question, indeed...

  3. LOL I just saw this question after I answered another of yours - seems we are on the same wave length!

    .... was trying to work out how many eucalyptus trees we need to plant etc.... before we all move over there!

    Meanwhile - pull up a palm tree and we'll drink out imported Aussie beer and wine!

    oh ...and if there were any predators on the island - the Koala mating call will scare them off !   .. then again we only breed once a year....

  4. My, my! Seems like a certain koala is having some very naughty thoughts! I wonder what MRS. KOALA thinks about this! Does she even know what you have in mind?! hehehe

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