
How long would it take achol (getting drunk) to wear off??

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I am going to a party tomorrow. And probably going to get drunk. But I wanted to know how long it would take for it to wear off. I'm 5'5 in height. And around 110pounds. I'm probably only going to drink enough to get drunk. But I want to know ways that It could wear off faster. Like not eating in the morning anything. Because I can't be drunk when I come home. And I have to take the bus home.

So Thanks in advance:)♥




  1. Your liver can process about one ounce of alcohol per hour.  

  2. Vodka will make you look unwell for some time.

  3. This will depend on factors including s*x, race (the liver in Asiatic races produces less of an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase), body weight, ratio of body fat to muscle tissue, and the amount of fatty food consumed with the alcoholic drink.

    A general rule of thumb for a healthy adult male is that the liver will be able to metabolize approximately 30ml of ethanol per hour. 30ml is about 1 oz, or the amount of alcohol in one 'standard' drink. This means that if you are 'intoxicated' by one drink, then it will take about 1 hour for the liver to metabolize the ethanol from that drink. In the female this number will be about 20% longer, regardless of body weight. This is because females absorb alcohol from their intestine more efficiently than males, and will thus achieve a higher blood alcohol concentration after having a given number of drinks.

    Generally, three drinks within one hour is enough to put a person at or over the legal driving limit of 0.08 grams per 100ml.

    Bear in mind that every individual has a different sensitivity to the effects of alcohol, and requires a different amount of liquor to become intoxicated. Some people can become seriously incapacitated after a single drink. The "0.08 limit" is an absolute maximum. If your blood alcohol concentration is lower than this limit, you can still be guilty of DUI if you are visibly impaired as a result of the drug, whether or not you are over the absolute maximum of 0.08

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