
How long would it take for a Phd in Archaeology?

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i'm interested in a Phd in archaeology/ and or anthropology with an emphasis in Asian/Chinese antiquity..

my background:

BA in Chinese

MA in anthropology

MA in asian studies




  1. That all depends on you.  Since you already have MAs in Anthropology and Asian studies. much of your basic class work may already be done - it will depend on what school you choose and what they accept of your past work - and how much of it provided the necessary archaeology background.

    In general I would suspect 1-2 years of class work will be needed.  

    Beyond that, it depends on how far you are into your dissertation topic, how much field research will need to be done and how long it will take you to write, revise, and defend your material - I would plan at least another two years for that.

    Good Luck.


  2. 4 years for you BA.  Another year for your Masters and three more years for you doctorate.

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