
How long would it take for a partially sprained knee to heal?

by  |  earlier

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I sprained my right MCL tuesday, and today is sunday and i can walk pretty well and can bend it okay but i still cant bend it back far enough to grab my shin and etc. It is swollen around the knee but it has gone down quite a bit.

How long do you think it will be before i can run and support enough weight to play a sport as rigorous as football?




  1. First off, how do you know you sprained your MCL? Were you examined by a doctor? I'd consult with your doctor to see what is actually damaged in your knee and see how long it would take before you can resume physical activity. As for football, I'd layoff at least 3 months to be on the safe side until your doctor says otherwise. Last thing you want is to rip your knee apart.

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