
How long would it take for me to become a forensic anthropologist?

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I want to work for the FBI or something like it, being an anthrpologist. How much money would I make?




  1. If you already have a bachelor degree then it will take approximately another 5 to 7 years, depnding on your focus. I don't know how much money you would make... That is up to you I guess... :)

  2. If your about 18 years old and really hit the books, by the time your 35 years old, no family, few friends and a lonely life, no kids nothing to hold you back, keep up a 3.8 to 4.0 grade average, you should graduate. You will also owe about 1 to 1.5 million dollars in school loans.

       My daughter went into animal husbandry, I fought with her, she's been out of school now for twenty years and is still paying on her loan, it's still over ten grand, was twenty-five grand. Mine for four years high but, it was through a scholarship for high grades a 4.0 average and a 140 aptitude.

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