
How long would it take for me to bike 35 miles on just flat streets?

by  |  earlier

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it would be a decently paced bike ride, not riding for all enjoyment but not a full sprint.... i am in pretty decent shape




  1. A couple close answers here. But it will take you exactly 2 hours, 12 minutes and 39.4 seconds.

    Don't listen to that ric dude. I calculated the time and double check it. It is totally accurate.

    EDIT: ric, I've been doing this a long, long time and while I've been a little off on occasion, I've been 97% correct. With these facts and my expertise in mind, it's safe to say I'm correct again. I use a special computer program I wrote as my master's thesis in computer science. With the use of advance mathematical theory, which would be too complicated for you to understand, I'm am able to calculate time in this context.

    Since I will be using this improved application in my PhD thesis, it is not publicly published yet. Pulling up Windows calculator???  is for the mathematically challenged. I have a meeting set for later next month with NASA as they have an interest in my work.

    Also, since I have a far superior education and intellect then you - (that's why I told you that you wouldn't understand this) and guess what? You don't. (what a surprise)

    Happy to hear you won't argue anymore that I'm completely correct. I refer you to my 3rd sentance.

    EDIT: I thought you weren't responding? Your not a man of your word (I should have known) Then you edit the no response remork out? Highly questionable behavior.

    I'm simply saying I'm smarter than you (get over it) and know what I'm talking about and have a track record to prove it.

    All you have is a reputation for breaking your word and re-editing text already posted - a big NO NO here. No need to respond as I don't think I can explain the math to you, i wish I could but... As Rambo said "just let it go"  OK?

  2. I'm going to start this off and say that nobody can tell you how long it will take you to complete 35 miles. There are two many variables to consider like the bicycle you're riding, the gearing you're using, your condition, and the conditions you're riding under and so on.

    I can tell you a group of us did a 35 mile ride on a trail a couple of weeks ago and when we were through  I had completed the ride  in 2hrs 33min 41sec. that was a 13.707mph or 22.059kph avg. or a mile in 4.23 min.

    and that was a nice easy pace for me.

    You can figure avg. speeds all day long and come up with different times and they mean nothing. The best way to know is to go out and do the ride and let us know how you make out. Anyone that tells you it will take you exactly or you should be able doesn't have a clue.

  3. I'd say about 2 1/2 hrs if you keep a good pace.

  4. Two hours.  If you are in "decent" shape as you claim and riding in a flat area you should find a new hobby if you can't average 17.5 mph.

  5. If you are new to it 10-12 mph might be a better average so allow about 3 1/2 hrs.

  6. Depends on your riding speed (have you measured it?) and on how often you would have to stop or slow down for lights, traffic, etc.

    Many commuter cyclists average 15 - 17 mph, but usually over rides of 5-10 miles.

    If you get a clear run you might cover 35 miles in 3 hours.

    To avoid knee injuries, if you do not usually ride this sort of distance, build up to it over severaL weeks. Going from doing only 2-3 mile rides to 35 miles without building up to it can cause long-lasting knee damage.

  7. Depends on your bike geometry and gearing.  A novice rider could count on an average of 12-14 mph on a typical exercise type bike.

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