
How long would it take one in their twenties to become a good surfer?

by  |  earlier

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lets say i would go mostly as much as possible. like everyday or something.




  1. Took me 4 months to have a decent paddling power....which allows you to actually catch the waves.......

    You'll probably have amazing surfing experiences after twice that time.......

  2. i don't think it would take really long if u go everyday. but surfing is tiring if u do it every day. u will get really sore but u can easily become good

  3. It would take you at least 5 years.

  4. It's different for everyone .  It depends on your fitness level and body type. Unless you want to go professional, surfing is about having fun. Just go with some friends, have a good time, and you will see yourself improve. Good luck!

  5. How good are you in the water? If you are a strong swimmer and have good balance and coordination, you can probably get 'decent' in one summer. We all wish we could surf every day, but I don't think that's possible. I've been surfing for over forty years, and sometimes I'm good, and sometimes I'm not. The more you surf, the better you get.

  6. it was hard for me but now its fun. just go out everyday and have fun with it.

  7. about 3 years to shred. this guy i went to school started on a 9'2 and surfed that for 2 years then moved to a short board, its been 3 years and he's already better than most of the guys thta have been surfing all their life! hes 26 now! he learned at 23, if you really want to get good just dont get too frustrated when you dont surf well! you are still learning! just practice!

  8. Remember, the best surfer is the one having the most fun... but yeah ull probably suck a lot of *** for the first few weeks considering ur body wount be used to the whole concept of the wave carrying u,, but ull learn at the same pace as we all did.

  9. im 11 and i started at 9 and people say that i am a good surfer so probaly about 2 years

  10. Hi, every one this site is more useful to us regarding to good surfer, am a viewer to find out useful sites on the google regarding good surfer it is more used to provide good information in to it ,  I found this link very helpful:

  11. Maybe 2 years to get good.  Acceptable after a couple of months.  Ride everything you can.  Think about your moves.  Watch good surfers, watch what they do.  Practice.  Dream about it.

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